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SOLO  Personal eTarget .......cooming soon.....only 2 days left

Mobile electronic target system for all supersonic caliber. The entry-level device for beginners and professionals!
The SMT SOLO is an easy-to-use electronic target system for personal use, designed for a shooter / lane.
The Solo is a "standalone system" and is not compatible to the Pro-Line at delivery. Optionally, however, the SOLO can be coupled with the other SMT eTarget components of the Pro Line.
Optionally, the SOLO's can also be modified so that they can then be connected to the S25 server. It could be up to 25 SOLO's together
managed via the S25. The SOLO system is ideal for training from 50m to about 1000m, the software is easy to use and displays the results immediately on a tablet or smartphone.
A time-consuming procedure for the target for the hit recording and the "masking of the bullet holes" is thus eliminated.

 At the shooter line you only need a smartphone or tablet and your results can be displayed.

Existing target frames may possibly be used.
Also, you can get blueprints for the target frames from us for a small copyright fee.

 What is it 

SOLO is an electronic target that reports shot position and value to a shooter who can be 1000 yards away.
At  980  it is priced low enough for personal use but is also capable enough to be used to run small and mid-sized matches, and to be used in large multi-target systems.
SOLO sensors attach to your targetry and acoustically detect an incoming supersonic bullet.  a wireless link connects to display devices on the firing line.
SOLO is self sufficient and able to operate in austere range environments with no power or shelter, and weighs less that 5 pounds / 2,2kg,
SOLO is easy to setup and eliminates multiple trips to the target for refacing, pasting holes, or checking group sizes.
 What you get

Solo bild 7        

SOLO comes with everything needed to start shooting.

  • 4 sensor mounting plate
  • 4 sensor arrays (8 sensors total)
  • ​4 color coded sensor cables
  • T-SOLO Target-Line measurement unit
  • F-SOLO Firing Line WIFI access point
  • Two rechargeable battery packs
  • Quick start pictorial guides to get you up and running quickly

You supply:

  • the target frame
  • a WIFI capable display device (laptop, tablet, smartphone, etc.)
  • bullets on target


 You can buy it in Europe:

Opening Hours

Here you will find our opening times. We are looking forward to your visit!

  • Monday-Friday: 10:00 - 18:00
  • Wednesday: 10:00 - 13:00
  • Saturday / Sunday: Closed